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This is what I bought for my Pocket PC and I love it and it comes with the Microsoft Software Streets and MapsThe PT-250 Pocket GPS Navigator from Pharosis the ideal noiagitvan solution for Windowsae Mobile Based Devices like Pocket PC’s or Pocket PC Phones. The package comes with a convertible iGPS-500 receiver and Ostia Navigation Routing software with detailed street-level maps of the entire US and Canada, and a Bluetooth dock that wirelessly sends your accurate position information to your Bluetooth-enabled Pocket PC or Pocket PC Phone. The convertible iGPS-500 receiver is a small, slim, and highly sensitive GPS receiver, and can be upgraded to meet your multi-functional noiagitvan needs (i.e. CF, USB, or serial with optional accessories). Ostia helps you locate your current position, find a destination or point of interest (POI) and get a route to your destination. Simply activate the GPS noiagitvan program and begin traveling; the automated voice-prompts will tell you when and where to turn. If by chance you go ‘off route,’ Pocket GPS Navigator will reroute you to your destination from your current GPS position. With all these features and more, the PT-250 Pocket GPS Navigator includes virtually all the tools you need to navigate throughout the U.S. and Canada.

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