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Otto Lund

Etter å ha prøvd og testet en fotoboksvarsler synes jeg å se at det er en klar sammenheng mellom både fotobokser, fotoboksvarslere og trafikksikkerhet. Bruk av fotoboksvarslere handler om er å unngå kostbare bøter ved utilsiktede fartsoverskridelser ved fotobokser, og generelt overholde fartsgrensene.

Hva synes du om fotobokser og fotoboksvarsleres virkning?

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A good article is the best of friends,you're wonderful.


I'd also suggest Garmin for the most bang for your buck. The Nuvi 265WT has the best fetearus for the price, IMHO. It's a widescreen model with turn by turn directions, free Navteq traffic updates, and has Bluetooth compatibility for hands free cell calls. The mount for your car is included, so it's all set to go out of the box .It is $350 at retail, but there are good deals that you can pick up that will bring the price down to just around your $200 budget.Overall, the Nuvi 265WT is an excellent deal when you consider what all's included (that you would otherwise pay for separately).


hey hows it going if i was you i would get the garmin C320 or the C330 well under 500 so that would leave you some money to buy him stmiohen more if you wanted to lol now as for the C320 i have that one and i love it walmart now has it for 268.82 but heres walmarts website and where you can buy the C320 it works really good i love mine well i hope this helped

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