Fugawi vil om kort tid lansere en pakke som inneholder
- Fugawi programvare for PC og PDA
- bluetooth-GPS
- USB-basert bluetooth-adapter for PC
Hele pakken vil koste under 2.000 kroner inklusive merverdiavgift.
Fugawi er en programvare som lar deg benytte en rekke ulike kartformater. Du kan også scanne dine egne kart og bruke i Fugawi.
Bluetooth-GPSen leverer GPS-informasjon til alle PCer og PDAer i en radius på ti meter. Dette betyr at både PC og PDA kan benytte seg av denne trådlause løsningen.
BSB-sjøkart over norskekysten kan utmerket godt benyttes sammen med ovenfornevnte pakke. BSB-sjøkart koster kr 950,- (inkl mva) per område. Dette er spesielt elegant i en båt, fordi GPSen kan plasseres på et annet sted enn selve PCen eller PDAen.
GPSbutikken er en av forhandlerne som fører disse produktene.
I have never been more disappointed in any copnamy as I am TomTom. Got it for Christmas 2008. Got it going, did the update all was good. By June it would not update, even though it wasn't hardly used at all maybe twice. It would get us where we wanted to go, it would connect to our computer, updates would download, but the updates would NOT install. I contacted tomtom, even attached a scan of my receipt to my support question as they asked. They sent me a new (refurbished) one, same thing another new/refurb one, same thing .ANOTHER new/refurb one, SAME THING. Finally they sent me a real new one, not refurbished same thing. So they say it is my computer and they have NOBODY, thats right, NOBODY that would even TRY to help me figure out what it could possibly be on my computer that was keeping it from intalling updates. They just wanted to keep sending me a different unit. What a cop-out it worked fine on my computer in January. So here I am with a GPS I spent $250 on that can only get me down the road. Once there are new roads, etc I cannot update, I cannot add points of interest, voices, NOTHING. I could have spent $75 for a GPS that did only that. They would not refund or even exchange for a different model, even though I have the receipt. I have NEVER owned an electronic product that didn't have support to help me fix issues with the product being compatible with my computer until i experienced tomtom. Please don't take any chances with this copnamy.
Posted by: Soyeon | August 15, 2012 at 06:04 AM